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Set-up Guide

Congratulations on choosing our product (Connectiv) solution for your organization! This documentation will guide you through the initial setup process to ensure a smooth start with the system. Please follow the steps outlined below


Initial Implementation

Upon implementation on the server, you will be provided with three sets of credentials

Company Credentials

password: 1234

HR Credentials

password: 1234

Accounts Department Credentials

password: 1234

These credentials are essential for the initial setup process.

Let's start!

You can now Login using the Company Credentials.

Changing username and password is optional and can be done within the user profile.

Head to System setting

Here, you will find various configurations to personalize the system according to your requirements

Ensure you possess all necessary company and  setup information before proceeding to the next step

Jump in!

Let's Configure the settings as per your needs...

Revolutionize your human resources management with our cutting-edge HRMS solution. Streamline processes, enhance employee engagement, and optimize workforce performance, all within a customizable and user-friendly platform tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization.

3. 1

System Setting

Note: Before heading to next tile, make sure you have hit the save changes button on your website.

  • Upload logos (dark, light, and favicon) to personalize your brand identity.
  • Set the website title and footer text.
  • Choose the default language and enable right-to-left layout (optional).
  • Access the Theme Customizer to adjust the main interface color scheme.

Basic Information:

  • Enter your company name, address, city, state, zip/postal code, and country.
  • Provide contact details like phone number and system email address.

Operational Settings:

  • Define company start and end times.
  • Set the desired timezone.
  • Optionally, enable IP restriction for added security.


  • Choose your currency and its symbol (pre- or post-fix).

Date & Time Formats:

  • Select the preferred date and time formats for display.

Employee ID Prefix:

  • Define a prefix for employee IDs (e.g., #EMP00).

Configure your email server:

  • Specify the mail driver (e.g., smtp), host, port, username, password, encryption, and "From" address.
  • Set the "From Name" as displayed in email notifications.
  • Let's setup!
  • You can test the smtp settings by sending a test mail using the option provided on the webapp.

Connect to Microsoft Teams:

  • Enter the Teams Channel Webhook URL for chat messaging notifications.
  • Wondering how to get the url? - Click here!

Enable real-time updates (chat messaging):

  • Provide Pusher App ID, Key, Secret, and Cluster details.
  • Wondering how to get those credentials? - Click here!

Select which events trigger email notifications:

  • Choose from options like new users, employees, payroll, tickets, awards, etc.

Control access by IP address:

Connect to Slack for notifications:

  • Enter the Slack Webhook URL for desired event notifications.
  • Here is the Instructions to get the url.

Enable SMS notifications:

  • Provide Twilio SID, Token, and "From" number for sending SMS alerts.
  • To know how to get the credentials - click here.

Prevent spam with reCAPTCHA:

  • Enter the Google reCAPTCHA Site and Secret keys.
  • Refer this for the keys.

Customize templates for documents:

  • Edit the pre-populated templates with placeholders for dynamic information

(Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Certificate of Experience, and No Objection Certificate Settings)

Manage file uploads:

  • Specify Allowed file types
  • Specify maximum upload size (2 MB default).

Connect to Google Calendar:

  • Provide the Google Calendar ID or upload a JSON file for event synchronization.

Optimize your website for search engines:

  • Add meta keywords, description, and upload a meta image.
  • Clear application cache to refresh data
  • View current cache size and clear it when needed.

Configure cookie usage:

  • Enable cookies, logging, and customize cookie messages.

3. 2

HRM System Setup

Please note that these configurations serve as the backbone of your Connectiv system and are mandatory before using the application, creating or updating them reflects your company's evolving structure and policies. Make sure to tailor these settings according to your specific needs, ensuring a seamless and effective HR management experience.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your Connectiv HRMS.

Bonus Tip: Leverage your Connectiv system's Finance section to gain valuable insights into your expenses, workforce and make data-driven decisions.

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